As a kid, I’ve always wanted a garden, but this wasn’t possible since we didn’t exactly have a front or backyard space for gardening. Today many people face the same issue, they build 2-3 story houses but don’t have enough space to plant anything. To be able to grow flowers, fruits and vegetables is a rewarding job, you basically get to eat what you harvest. Here are a few ways to have a garden even if you don’t have the space for it.

Starting a community field

This is good news for all those gardenless folks out there, a community garden is where you can share a land with a couple of friends or neighbors, each of you will be allocated a specific slot to grow what you want. This can, in fact, be better than having your own garden, first of all, each of you can grow a variety of foods and trade with each other, this would require less work as each person will be responsible of taking care of their mini garden. Plus, you get to spend more time getting to know your neighbors and get to meet more people who share the same passion for gardening. Community gardens are more common than you think and are much easier to maintain, many communities hire landscape construction Melbourne to maintain the lawn and plant and split the cost of hiring among them, this way they can grow their fruits and vegetables without having to spend much time on it.

A backyard on your rooftop

This is another good way to have a gardening experience, people in the city tend to make use of their rooftop to grow flowers and vegetables. You can even add layers of soil throughout the rooftop and plant something. But don’t do this without consulting a structural engineer, get a professional to evaluate the condition of your rooftop and test if it can withhold the extra load. Another alternative to this is using pots and raised beds, this is much easier in comparison to green gardening. In both cases, it is important to carry out regular garden maintenance. Furthermore, you will need to build a structure to shade your plants from the scorching heat, and also to provide yourself with some shade when using the garden. If you prefer to use it at night then consider installing lights in the rooftops, candles might be romantic but there’s a risk of starting a fire if it falls onto the plants. Of course, there are ways to grow a few plants indoors, placing them in mason jars and keeping it near a window is the closest many people get to gardening, but that’s not the same as having a proper garden.