Organizing a bachelorette party is not always a fun task. We know that you would be feeling somewhat overwhelmed. That is because you would want to do a good job and make the bride happy. But you won’t always know how to begin planning such an event. Then it is easy for you to let the pressure get you. Thus, that is why you need to conduct some research ahead of time. Then you would learn what you need to do and what you should not do.

Find The Perfect Time

As the maid of honour we know that you would be busy looking for a party van hire. But before doing this you need to determine when to have the party. We know that many people think that bachelorette should be held the day before the wedding. But this is a big mistake. That is because then everyone would be too hungover on the big day. Therefore you should not have this party too close to the wedding. The bride would also be too stressed out close to the big day. But neither should you have it months and months before the big day. That is because then it would seem too anticlimactic. Instead, you should ideally have it a couple of weeks or a month before the wedding. Then everyone would be in the perfect mood to have fun. Furthermore, the bride would also be looking for a way to let out some steam.

Ask The Bride What She Wants

We know that it is the maid of honour’s responsibility to plan this entire event. This ideally means deciding everything from which VW kombi van to hire to who to invite. But you need to remember that the guest of honour is the bride. Therefore you need to make sure that this event would be something that would appeal to the bride. Thus, that is why we think it would be a good idea for you to ask her what she wants. That is because not everyone would want to go clubbing or bar hopping. There are many brides who would want to do something quiet at home. Furthermore, there are also those who would prefer to spend the day at the spa. Therefore make sure to find out beforehand what type of bachelorette she wants. This way you can ensure that she would be happy.We know that we said planning a bachelorette party can be a challenging task. But we believe that if you follow the above tips it would be made easier.